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俄罗斯真假公主Anastasia 1956

导演: Anatole  Litvak
主演: 英格丽·褒曼  尤尔·布林纳  Helen  Hayes  阿吉姆·坦米罗夫  Martita  Hunt  Felix  Aylmer  Sacha  Pitoé??f  Ivan  Desny  Natalie  Schafer  Gré??oire  Gromoff
国家/地区: 欧美
类型: 剧情
上映日期: 1956
对白语言: 英语/ 法语
评分: 凑合

Russian exiles in Paris plot to collect ten million pounds from the Bank of England by grooming a destitute, suicidal girl to pose as heir to the Russian throne. While Bounin is coaching her he comes to believe she is really Anastasia. In the end the Empress must decide her claim.