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饥饿难当Stay Hungry 1976

导演: 鲍勃·拉斐尔森
主演: 杰夫·布里奇斯  萨莉·菲尔德  阿诺德·施瓦辛格  R·G·阿姆斯特朗  罗伯特·英格伦  Helena  Kallianiotes  Roger  E.  Mosley  Woodrow  Parfrey  斯卡曼·克罗瑟斯  Kathleen  Miller
国家/地区: 欧美
类型: 喜剧
上映日期: 1976
对白语言: 英语
评分: 凑合

A syndicate wants to buy a whole district to rebuild it. They've bought every house except the small gym "Olympic", where Mr. Austria Joe Santo prepares for the Mr. Universum championships a month ahead. The rich sunny-boy Craig Blake is brought in by the syndicate as a dummy to buy the gym. But then he starts to like the people and falls in love with Joe's friend Marie-Tate.