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越爱越沉痛under the skin 1997

导演: 卡林·艾尔德
主演: 莎曼珊·莫顿  Claire  Rushbrook  丽塔·塔欣厄姆  Christine  Tremarco  斯图亚特·唐森德  马修·德拉米尔  Mark  Womack  Clare  Francis  Joe  Tucker  Daniel  O'Meara
国家/地区: 意大利
类型: 其他
上映日期: 1997
对白语言: 英语
评分: 凑合
【[EMULE] 《越爱越沉痛》(under the skin)[DVDRip].avi】

Although married and pregnant Rose has always been Mother's favorite, it is younger sister Iris whose life is shaken up by Mother's death. Suffocating, Iris spirals out of control and copes by losing herself in sexual oblivion. She leaves her steady, Gary, for a steady stream of one night stands in the arms of mysterious strangers, alienating Gary, Rose, her friends, and her employers in the process. Will this go on until she loses everything that is meaningful to her?